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  • info@dentaljardon.com
  • dra.anapacheco@hotmail.com
  • Tuesday to Saturday 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Full Arch Dental Implant

Full Arch Dental Implants

The treatment procedure and number of visits is largely dependent on the specific conditions. But all in all, 8-10 visits should be enough to have a fixed bridge installed. Most patients report that they were much more comfortable following the procedure than they had anticipated.

1. Before the procedure

The dentist determines what needs to be done and prepares himself and the patient for the procedure next.

2. Implants

The first step is the placement of dental implants to replace missing tooth roots. In this case, five implants are used. Temporary teeth are attached, they let you eat and function in a normal manner while awaiting the permanent bridge placement.

3. Bridge Placement

The final bridge is securely installed on top of the implants.

4. Final result

